The Beatles’ 7120s – Munich 1966 and other pics





86202424A general shot of the Beatles at the Circus-Krone-Bau, Munich, 24th June 1966 – picture from Getty Images.


Mandatory Credit: Photo by Bill Orchard/REX/Shutterstock (14563t) Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison and John Lennon in Munich The Beatles Performing in Germany - 1966Credit: Photo by Bill Orchard/REX/Shutterstock (14563t).  A detail of the amp John used on the 24th.


Mandatory Credit: Photo by Bill Orchard/REX/Shutterstock (14563t) Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison and John Lennon in Munich The Beatles Performing in Germany - 1966Credit: Photo by Bill Orchard/REX/Shutterstock (14563t).  A tiny sliver of the amp that George used at Munich.  Note that its diamond pattern matches the amp that John had – a quarter of a diamond at right.


DIG Beatles, The, 27.12.1960 - 11.4.1970, brit. Musikgruppe, Auftritt, Konzert "Bravo Blitz Tournee", Circus Krone, Mnchen 24.6.1966, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Mikrofon, singend, Band, Gruppe, Bhne, Fans, Zuschauer, Blitztournee, Musik, Musiker,Slightly oblique views of Paul and George’s amps, again from Munich.


detailA detail from the famous picture of Lennon in Studio 3, Abbey Road, with his Gretsch 6120 (sold at auction in 2015).  Normally this pic is drastically cut to focus on the guitar.


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