Below, a detail from the famous picture of the Beatles’ gear at Hong Kong airport, a transit stopping off point on the way to Manila, the final concert of the Far East jaunt of the summer 1966 tour. In the background, to the right, are four cabs with trolleys. These are 4/7 series cabs. A couple of the trolleys have their top sections detached, which accounts for the difference in heights.

The second cab from the right seems to have lost a wheel, the fourth cab was a backup / replacment….
At least one of the cabs was open backed, as can be seen in the picture below (available in the wonderful Getty Images collection):
And at least one of the others was closed back, as can be seen below, far right, in the promo film for “Paperback Writer”:
A picture of one of the cabs in the Vox “shed” is published, from a photo by Tony Diamond, a cabinet craftsman at Vox, in Jim Elyea’s excellent “Vox Amplifiers, The JMI Years” (California, 2009), p. 597.